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Celebrating Mum — Amie Brodie

Celebrating Mum — Amie Brodie

In the lead up to Mother's Day, we wanted to celebrate Mum's. We caught up with Amie Brodie to hear about how her relationship with sleep changed with motherhood, some lines her Mum would always say, and how her family will be spending this Mother's Day. 

How has relationship with bed/sleep has changed since motherhood?

I’m a much lighter sleeper now. I think after nights of getting up to small people your body adapts and changes. I’m grateful that the kids are at an age now where they sleep through the night and wake at a reasonable hour. The first year with a baby can be extremely tough. 

What can we currently find on your nightstand?

My favourite lamp handmade by NZ ceramic artist Deborah Sweeney, Ashley & Co candle, tissues, and the Kami & Kindred ceramic shell holding my favourite jewellery pieces 💍

Tell us what has surprised you about motherhood.

I think how non-stop it is. It’s not like you start at 9am and clock off at 5pm. It’s 24/7, 7 days a week, especially in those early months. You take for granted your free time, your sleep and your finances before kids haha.

AM to PM, tell us what your perfect Mother’s Day looks like.

Basically a day off Mum'ing 🤣🤌🏼 breakfast in bed, no cooking, no washing & no cleaning. My husband takes over all my roles for a day. I’m not worried about gifts. The kids do like to make me cards though and give me a box of chocolate which is super special. I love their little drawings and keep all the cards they make me. 

Advice for mums and mums to be?

You have to take each day as it comes (sometimes literally one breath at a time) and no two children are the same.

What’s something your mum always says?

"Jessie, Carlin, Larissa , I mean AMIE…..oh whatever your name is", "Dam, I've burnt the spuds again", “Friggin, friggin”, "Whose socks are these",
"ooohhh WHO ATE ALL THE TIM TAMS", “no”, “because I said so”. Hahaha and plenty of I love you’s in between.

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